Today a little detour around writing about English and learning process. I was slightly surprised that people (you) read my BLOG in such a big amount. At the same time I got some contradictory reactions which I must at least shortly comment.
Most of you supports me, the others say that my writings are full of mistakes, riddled by grammar errors… I am grateful to ALL of you. I was thinking about it and I must say (or better to say “write”) something explicitly about it: I AM NOT NATIVE SPEAKER and I LEARN AS I WRITE. English is my second language (ESL), I am one of you. I learn with you. The majority of us, speakers of English all over the World are non-native speakers of English. I am one of them, one of you. I write here my experiences, my points of view and my knowledge I gained during the process called the LIFE. Small part of this process was an acquiring the ability to use languages (my native Czech, and then Russian, English, German, Spanish, Esperanto - some of them only very VERY slightly!) And this ability as far as English is concerned is not perfect at all, actually it is rather average till low average. To improve I need to write (everybody needs to practise) and I do it. And I do my best (as Don Miguel Ruiz says: ”Always do your best” :-) which is, I think, “his” Fourth Agreement).
First group of you (who supports me and say that I am doing a good job) encourages me to continue and second group (those who do not like my mistakes) helps me to learn from them. But YOU, dear reader, learn English from somebody else, please, preferably from native speakers. From my writings get just the MESSAGE. Or maybe you can notice those mistakes and learn from them too with me. Maybe you can start writing too (comment my posts :-) ) We are in the same process. So, this is my DISCLAIMER. These texts are not proof-read or anyhow corrected by anybody competent. Be aware of it and read all these writings with this notion in your mind. Thank you very much! :-)
Next time it will be to the topic. I promise! ;-)
Most of you supports me, the others say that my writings are full of mistakes, riddled by grammar errors… I am grateful to ALL of you. I was thinking about it and I must say (or better to say “write”) something explicitly about it: I AM NOT NATIVE SPEAKER and I LEARN AS I WRITE. English is my second language (ESL), I am one of you. I learn with you. The majority of us, speakers of English all over the World are non-native speakers of English. I am one of them, one of you. I write here my experiences, my points of view and my knowledge I gained during the process called the LIFE. Small part of this process was an acquiring the ability to use languages (my native Czech, and then Russian, English, German, Spanish, Esperanto - some of them only very VERY slightly!) And this ability as far as English is concerned is not perfect at all, actually it is rather average till low average. To improve I need to write (everybody needs to practise) and I do it. And I do my best (as Don Miguel Ruiz says: ”Always do your best” :-) which is, I think, “his” Fourth Agreement).
First group of you (who supports me and say that I am doing a good job) encourages me to continue and second group (those who do not like my mistakes) helps me to learn from them. But YOU, dear reader, learn English from somebody else, please, preferably from native speakers. From my writings get just the MESSAGE. Or maybe you can notice those mistakes and learn from them too with me. Maybe you can start writing too (comment my posts :-) ) We are in the same process. So, this is my DISCLAIMER. These texts are not proof-read or anyhow corrected by anybody competent. Be aware of it and read all these writings with this notion in your mind. Thank you very much! :-)
Next time it will be to the topic. I promise! ;-)