But let's focus today on (others) less significant questions and ideas concerning language learning.
In this post I will give you some of them and I will not answer them. Intentionally. Maybe you have noticed that every answer brings only more questions to ask. Maybe you have also noticed that somebody else's answers to YOUR questions somehow don't work too. Ask - yes – ask, but do not expect immediate answer. Ask, be attentive and the answer will come – one day (or night). The authentic YOUR answer will come.
Here is a few questions and ideas (that I can recall now) to ponder over. Maybe they will give you some inspiration, maybe some insight or just fun:
- Do we take into consideration that there is a conscious and subconscious (or non-conscious) mind when we learn?
- They say that the conscious mind directs only about 5% or our live.
- Where is the language stored? In our brain? (only or at all?)
- Do we distinguish between active and passive vocabulary?
- Deep knowledge or shallow knowledge?
- Deep = narrow, shallow = broad.
- To be correct or the be fluent?
- There are different modes and waves of our brains (- Delta waves (below 4 hz) occur during sleep, - Theta waves (4-7 hz) are associated with sleep, deep relaxation (like hypnotic relaxation), and visualization, - Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm, - Beta waves (13-38 hz) occur when we are actively thinking, problem-solving, speaking ...)
- Language = verbal intelligence, this is obvious, but there are other intelligences and they „work“ in harmony, in synergy.
- To use emotions or to be „calm“ when learning?
- To focus the attention or let it go in the background?
- Only one or many simultaneous activities?
- Quickly forward or thoroughly?
- There are two parts of brain – left and right (so called).
- There are (at least) 5 senses.
- Can sport help us to learn a foreign language?
- Can be meditation helpful and how?
- What about super-learning?
- Subliminal recordings?
- (Self-)hypnosis?
- Which emotional energy? (apathy, greef, fear, lust, anger, proud, courageousness, acceptance or peace)
- Mind, heart, body or soul /or all three together/ and how?
- Alone or with others?
- There are different kinds of memory techniques.
- Positive approach is helpful.
- Quality of construction determines the quality of re-construction (memory).
- Language is a vibration.
- Children have advantages and disadvantages too when learning languages.
- Is it all about just being talented?
- (LOL)
By answering the LAST (literaly) question you would solve the ultimate puzzle and all previous (and sequential) answers would become irrelevant. But would it be fun without it anymore? Maybe the glimpses of that answer are (for us, here on this planet and NOW at this moment) enough, don't you think?